We deliver amazing training experience

Want to increase your knowledge and broaden your skill set? Are you seeking employment, or would you like to go into a different role entirely? The proper training you require to succeed may be given to you by Cheshire Training, starting TODAY!

We have the right courses and packages available if you need help meeting your company’s training requirements.

Training Data & Trend


Gain a professional lead and be among the 10% few with formal training suitable for the TOP spots!

A lack of professional training may be stunting your career growth and preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Learn new skills or retrain to stay employable. Training and capacity development are the most important companies' employability index.  

Find a course that suits you!

No matter the industry, we want to be the top training facility for professional growth in the UK, providing an A to Z of courses, solutions, and guidance.

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Arrange a call with one of our training coordinators

    Our Training Program:

    We are a CITB approved training organisation. The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is the Sector Skills Council and Industry Training Board for the construction industry. It works with construction companies to improve skills, increase competitive edge and respond to the many challenges employers face.

    We Are an Accredited Training Provider of SHEA Course. The Energy & Utility Skills Register (EUSR) is the online register of training and skills for the energy and utilities industries. Our curriculum includes SHEA Gas, SHEA Water, and SHEA Power.

    NVQs are a 'competence-based' qualification, which means you learn practical, work-related tasks designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge to do a job effectively. Taking an NVQ could be suitable if you already have skills and want to improve them, or if you are starting from scratch.

    Work towards your Blue, Green, Gold &Black CSCS Card with our level 2 to 7 NVQ courses! We offer a range of management NVQs. Select the NVQ which best suits your current job role so you can demonstrate your expertise.

    What Makes Our Training Different

    We can provide you with the right training you need to succeed.


    Expert Trainers

    We ensure you a five-star learning experience, all of our trainers and instructors are thoroughly qualified and experienced.

    Dedicated Support

    With Cheshire Internet Test and Training (CITTC) training, our award-winning team will support you every step of the way.

    Proven Excellence

    With thousands of 5-star evaluations to support our claim, we are pleased to provide our students an outstanding training experience.

    Learn more from our Latest News


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