Specialist – HVACR – Heating & Plumbing
Specialist: tests for everything in the operative test, plus additional material relating to a specialist area such as supervision or working at heights. Specialist tests are required when applying for the Gold Supervisor card, as well as Blue Skilled Worker and Gold Advanced Craft cards in certain occupations.
Joining Instruction
Remember to bring you face covering when attending the centre to complete your touchscreen test for the protection of yourself and staff.
Please turn up 15 min earlier for your booked appointment so that deal with the paperwork and ID’s and there is not a build up of people at the centre
You have 45min to complete the Touchscreen test.
You will need to bring a valid photographic ID before sitting the test such as a copy of your passport or driving licence or you will need two different types of valid photographic ID before you can sit the touchscreen test.